
Registration forms are sent out annually to members with. Ewes enter the flock when they are gimmers. Any sheep purchased from a society sale or privately should have been birth notified with the society. If you need assistance registering your sheep then please contact the secretary. A summary of the registration rules are shown below.  Alternatively if you wish to use the Online Registry please use this link

1.    Rams to be eligible for entry must be named, and no name registered or accepted for Registration in the Flock Book can be duplicated, nor can any name consisting of more than three words be accepted.

2.    In the naming of a Ram the registered prefix of the breeder of the said Ram must be used.  The said Prefix shall form one of the maximum of three words allowed.

3.    No Ram or Ewe shall be eligible for entry unless bred by a Breeder whose Flock is already entered in the Flock Book or accepted for entry in any forthcoming volume.  New Members joining in any particular year, may have lambs born in their year of joining accepted, provided they are out of earmarked stock on both sides, and they must be fully earmarked in both ears by NOT LATER THAN 15TH JUNE in the year of their birth.

4.    Any member who had introduced Ewes from any other registered Flock into his or her Flock must have them entered anew into his or her own Flock.

5.    All rams in service in the Flock must be entered each year, including Rams on hire, and those to which Ewes have been sent out for service.

6.    Rams are only charged Entry fees on their first entry.

7.    All Lambs must be tagged or tattooed in their ears by NOT LATER THAN 15TH JUNE in the year of their birth, and under no circumstances whatever must they leave the possession of the Breeder without his Flock number and the year letter and number in Flock being inserted into the ears, except at the discretion of the Council.

The Link to the online registry is

Future year letters

X – 2025
Y – 2026
Z – 2027
A – 2028
B – 2029
C – 2030